The reasons that CAMTOOL alpha 1’s blue print is designed exclusively for T-MOTORHOBBYFor the best stabilizer, we needed the best motor and we proudly recommend the use of T-MOTORHOBBY.
For a long time, camera accessories were limited to lenses and tripod. There was no innovation but constant upgrade in lens technology and finally it has reached its peak. Now camera equipment had to
find a new solution to develop itself from the current state. CAMTOOL alpha 1 started with the hope to provide a new breed of air into camera industry, a stabilizer that shows the world that was never known
before, providing a new perspective towards the world that we see.
For this cause, we have started to test our product and gave our utmost effort to make a product that is truly excellent went it comes to design and performance. Within this effort, the help and support of
T-MOTORHOBBY played a vital role. The reasons that CAMTOOL alpha 1’s blue print is designed exclusively for T-MOTORHOBBY are:
Beautifully designed exterior
Compact yet powerful torque and steady performance
Reduced DC motor noise
Teflon coated slip ring that is strong when it is soldered
Enables cable-less design of CAMTOOL alpha 1
For the best stabilizer, we needed the best motor and we proudly recommend the use of T-MOTORHOBBY.
Merits of alpha 1
Cable-less design (enabled by the use of slip-ring from T-MOTORHOBBY)
Controller and sensor inserted within the gimbal making it shock proof and moisture proof
External power supply socket is provided
6 cell heavy duty batteries are inserted within the pipe of the gimbal
Easy CG (Center of Gravity) setting
All operation made possible while filming
Stands by itself without additional accessory
Made of duralumin used in aircraft carriers
Fully engineered and manufactured in Korea
If you wish to know more about CAMTOOL alpha 1 please visit or